Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Let It Remain

If it's broken let it remain
Because what is understood
Needs not to be explained.

Words crafted with precision of art within
Refined visions of previously sold hopes and dreams,
Convinced the hopeful heart
Trapped in poverty loaded with sin

To repurchase what speaks in disguise
Only because of a new defined view
With fine tuned lullabies.

Unwrapped later only to be surprised
With the same sold sweet lies.

Stop the cycle right here, right now!
Trying to piece a broken image
To it's original frame.

When it's known all to well
If it's broken let it remain
Because what is understood
Needs not to be explained.

Written  Originally By:
© 11/18/2014 Jeneane Oliver

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Forgive Me

Please forgive me for leaving your side.
Please forgive me for your tears you cry.

I never intended to depart from you this way,
Please forgive me for no hug today.

If I were able to be next to you right now,
I would give you a kiss, Just to dry; your tears away.

Please forgive me for leaving your side,
Without saying, I love you.

Please forgive me for saying;
Do not mourn over me on this day.

Instead, Please; forgive me, by giving Jehovah your faith.
Save your strength for Jehovah and pray.

Please know that in these last days,
He will carry you through.

Because He holds his patience, to allow time for change.

So please! Forgive me for leaving you this day

And know that there lies a chance we may reunite
And when we do! I will hold your hand and say...

Please, Forgive me; together let us pray
Because I stand here with you on this day,

Just to say,
I love you!

Dedicated to
David Thomas A.k.A Baby D
A loving Son, Brother, Uncle, Grandson, Nephew, Cousin and Dear Friend

Written with love by Jeneane A. Oliver
Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Thursday, October 31, 2013


They really don't know my pain,
Because we've never experienced or thought the same.
I say; "Walk a mile in my shoes,"
Than maybe their thoughts will change.

Their perception of my outer appearance-
Allows them to think I'm so happy because I wear a smile,
But what is a smile?
Nothing but a frown turned upside down.

A past is locked inside my conscience,
I have HOPE but without FAITH-
So exhausted of this pain inside,
Not much strength left to pray.

But down on bended knee, I try to ask God for a break;
To lead me and show me HIS way.
Still inside this pain aches.

Just a lost-lonely child; I'm trying to fit where I belong.
While the music plays;
My mind is racing with thoughts against the beat of the song.
Just wanting to escape this internal misery.

Are they tired yet; Trying to walk in my shoes a mile?
Nah-Nah, I don't think just yet because they still see my smile.
They still have not grasped it-
Because my shoes have so many stories; they wouldn't be able to last it.

They will never be able to see it clearly,
My intentions are not to make them feel sorry for me...
Naw-Naw, I'm trying to reverse their mental perception of my outer appearance.
That! my smile! Is just a frown,.. turned, up-side down.

To know my pain, they will have to walk my journey
And even when; they still really won't know my pain
Because we've never experienced or thought the same.

Anitta Oliver c/o 2012

Friday, September 7, 2012


I promise not to hurt you♥
♥I promise to never make you cry♥
♥I promise to always trust you♥
♥I promise you my respect♥
♥I promise to always be there♥
♥I promise until the end♥
♥I promise to be your best friend♥
♥I promise you my love♥
♥I promise our friendship for life♥
♥your the PEANUT in my BUTTER ,♥
♥your the STAR in my BURST,♥
♥your the M in my M,♥
♥your the POP in my TART,♥
♥your the MILKY in my WAY,♥
♥your the FRUIT in my LOOP,♥
♥your the MILK in my DUDS,♥
♥your the LUCKY in my CHARMS,♥
♥your the ICE in my CREAM,♥
but mostly....
♥your the BEST in my FRIEND♥

Monday, July 4, 2011

For The Strong Sisters

See, this isn't for the sisters who gave up,
This is for the strong sisters who stood up.
This is for the sisters who birth their child...
And patted their backs when they cried aloud.
This is for the sisters who didn't need welfare
Because they walked three miles in the snow to catch a bus on Blair.
This isn't for the sisters who smoked their drugs and drank their liquor...
This is for the sisters who educated the young one's to say no to drugs and alcohol.

This isn't for the sisters who would party and act wild,
This is for the sisters who stayed home and played with their child.

This isn't for the sisters who met Mike on Monday, Tim on Tuesday and Will on Wednesday,
No, no, this is for the sister who can count on one hand how many men she's been with.

This isn't for the sisters who cried I'm tired!
This is for the sisters who said, got to keep pushing just on more mile.

This isn't for the sisters who dropped out,
This is for the sisters who continued on learning.

This isn't for the sisters who partied every weekend,
This is for the sisters who praised in church for their sins.

This isn't for the sisters who always says no!
This is for the sisters who grabs your hand and says together we will grow.
This isn't for the sisters who depends on a man,
This is for the sisters who says to themselves, I am my own best friend.

This isn't for the sisters who kept quite...
This is for the sisters who fought for their rights aloud.

This is for the strong sisters...
So stand up and be proud.

This is for the strong sisters
So keep going and keep that smile...

My strong sister!


I'm tired of starving for your love...
When will I be able to eat?

I'm tired of chasing you over hills and mountains...
When will I be able to rest?

I'm tired of helping...
When will I be helped?
I'm tired of playing hide n seek...
When will I find you?
I'm tired of crying a river...
When will my tears dry?

I'm tired of the lying...
Why does my heart feel like, over and over it keeps dieing?

Why do we always argue and fight?
I'm trying to hold onto the little strength with all my might.

Why when I text, you don't text back?
Feels like I'm running in circles on a track.

Why do you kiss me but yet make me cry?
Why do you keep stabbing my soul, slowly causing it to die?

Why do I continue to let you do what you do to me?
Caged in a prison of obligation, when will I be free?

Why do I continue to hold it down?
But when I ask you a question you clown.

Why do you say "I Love You?"
When you know you claiming another boo.

Why when we are alone, I'm everything in your world...
But when I called your phone it was another girl?

If this is all a bad dream...
Then I'm tired of sleeping.

Is it that you are trying to spare feelings?

Why don't you just tell the truth?
So I can exhale and start brand new...

Friday, May 20, 2011


Like a fluffy white cloud in the sky,
Like my emotions to my cries.
Like the brown skinny branches on a tree,
Like a bandage to a child because he scrapped his knee.
Like water to soil for it to produce,
Like a child yelling; Please! Please! can I have some more juice?
Like a dog to it's bone,
Or a 16 year old girl stuck to the phone.
Like a melody to a singer,
Like my hand down to my fingers.
Like whip cream to cherries,
Like chocolate on strawberries.
Like an aged woman on Sunday's in church,
Like my stoned washed mini skirt.
Like a drug to an addict,
Like my un-permed hair to my head, matted.
Like a deep blue ocean to a beach,
Like the crystal brown sand all over my feet.
Like a baby to it's bottle,
Like a runway to a model.
These are all things some are addicted to,
But not as much as I am addicted to you!